Sunday, March 28, 2010

What happened during the weekend…

I should be finishing the bikini, but I unfortunately went out of black thread! Due to some inherent laziness, I decided to stay home and get the thread during working days. Just thinking of the dilemma looking for a space in the mall's parking lot has made me decide to stay put.

Inadvertently, I made crochet balls. Original plan was, take a photo of the colorful crochet balls and have it on my multiply site. Apparently though, I was carried away that I'm posting it here as well – to justify that I did something over the weekend (though I really started doing these balls later today).

I did these for three hours...

After two hours...

I love colors forever!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Update on my Thursday Project

Here it is! Completed this on Friday night :)

Last night I started with the bikini... It will take me three days to complete it flawlessly I think...Be posting it here soon.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday Project

Yesterday, being at home earlier than the usual, I thought of doing something ambitious ;)

Okay, here's the story... I can do all the accessories in the world but making a crochet bikini top? Surely takes bravery... nevertheless, I gave it a try, told myself I can do this and just believed in my guts.

My output:

I did this without a pattern, but I based the measurements in my own bikini top. I'll be completing this tonight... I'll be posting my progress :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

3 New Flowers and a Leaf

I was so fortunate to find a 100 flower patterns via torrent last week. During the weekend, as I recall my promise to Miss Tin, I made three 4 new embellishments of which 3 are flower variety, and the other a clover leaf.

I'm still finding this hobby therapeutic. Goody.Will try to work on other flower patterns soon...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Crochet Flowers


When i designed the logo for the online store, what came to my mind were flowers and colors! I'm still lovin' them flowers and colors - FOREVER!

Just to share... My very first client who came to ask for an MTO (made to order) crochet was Miss Tin. She was a flower fanatic as well! She asked me to copy flower designs... I super loved making those flowers for her. In fact, she was the reason I came up with an album addition "Embellishments" where i put all the colorful flowers i could make.

Just lately, here comes another visitor (thanks!) - she is Miss Celina and she wants me to make her colorful bookmarkers of circles and flowers! Greeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! I'm lovin' this!

And to share my latest flower crochet creations...

I promised Miss Tin I'd make more flowers. Be posting it soon!

New Look!

Finally! After some time of studying how to beautify Crochet Ole's online store, I found a genius somebody in the network that did the needed transformation and I'd say its PERFECT!

So now I am proud to brag Crochet Ole's New Look!